Praktek Disrupsi Kampanye Pilkada 2020 dan Potensi Pelanggaran Kode Etik


  • Ni Wayan Widhiasthini Universitas Pendidikan Nasional


Disruption, Campaign, Code of Ethics


Disruption, which is interpreted as a change towards digitalization, leaving behind the old ways and patterns, has now occurred in the General Elections. The stages of the 2020 Regional Head Election campaign which were held during the pandemic, focused more on the use of social media. The potential for election disputes is very high, this is due to the very wide reach of social media, the potential for the emergence of black campaigns and SARA issues. Election organizers are also vulnerable to violations of the code of ethics, especially in socialization, allegations of not being neutral, unfair treatment and other violations of the code of ethics. Finally, it resulted in reporting to DKPP. Various changes have been made to optimize the use of information technology in carrying out its duties and functions. Such as holding a code of conduct trial by teleconference, receiving online reporting and strengthening the database. This is a practice of Good Governance Theory, characterized by the involvement of civil society and the private sector in optimizing the main tasks and functions of DKPP. The New Public Service and New Public Management paradigm has also been manifested in the efforts to enforce the code of ethics carried out by DKPP.


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How to Cite

Ni Wayan Widhiasthini. (2021). Praktek Disrupsi Kampanye Pilkada 2020 dan Potensi Pelanggaran Kode Etik. Jurnal Etika Dan Pemilu, 6(1), 95–105. Retrieved from