Election of The 2020 in Regional Head Shadow of Violation of Ethics


  • Abdul Halim Barkatullah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


General elections are a means for the community to determine the figure and direction of state or regional leadership in a certain period. General elections have the main function of producing leadership that is close to the will of the people. Therefore, general elections are a means of legitimizing power. Direct regional head elections are in the context of realizing democratization at the local level. Pilkada is mandated by Article 18 Paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, so the requirements regarding people's sovereignty and democracy from the people, by the people, and for the people, must be respected as the main requirement for the implementation of regional head elections. The implementation of the 2020 General Election in its implementation is overshadowed by ethical violations in the midst of the Covid 19 outbreak. In the implementation of this year's General Election stages, DKPP has examined and decided on 90 election organizers. The highest data currently relates to the establishment of an ad-hoc agency. The modes of violation of the election management code of ethics are related to unfair treatment, negligence in the Election process, and the absence of effective legal remedies. Pilkada should be carried out professionally in order to be successful, safe and democratic. This professionalism includes planning and strategies that are mature and measured in every stage of the election. In enforcing ethical violations if they occur during the 2020 General Election stages, the provisions regarding sanctions are regulated in the DKPP RI Regulation No. 2 of 2017 concerning Code of Conduct for Election Administrators. It was emphasized that DKPP has the authority to impose sanctions on election organizers proven to have violated the Code of Ethics. The types of sanctions for violations of the DKPP RI Regulations, namely in the form of written warning, temporary dismissal, or permanent dismissal.


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How to Cite

Abdul Halim Barkatullah. (2020). Election of The 2020 in Regional Head Shadow of Violation of Ethics. Jurnal Etika Dan Pemilu, 6(1), 1–25. Retrieved from https://journal.dkpp.go.id/index.php/jep/article/view/5