
  • Jeferson Kameo Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga


Pancasila,, general and local chief executives election, simultaneous, dignified


This paper contained a persuation to consider institution of Dignified Simultaneous General and Local Chief Executives Election  DSG&LCEE), to replace an idiosyncratic conception of "integrity” attached to the institution. The jargon "integrity" is only a minor concept of a Dignified Election Philosophy’s value system. A SGE&LCE is deemed to have “integrity” if all the formulations of the provisions in one particular law is obeyed in its black and white. Even though as it has become the elementary knowledge of jurists, the formulation of the provisions of any statutes or statutory instruments are not cecesarily always clear and complete, therefore the legal system would in the end has to be referred to. This is one of the axiom of the Dignified Justice system which is scientific and philosophical in nature. It provides the essentials of philosophy for SGE&LCE to climb the ladder from merely integrity to being  ignified. To be in such a position SGE&LCE has to pass the juridical ontology, epistemology, and axiology in the Pancasila Legal System. In support of this argument, a legal researchmethods based on the theory of Dignified Justice is utilised to find, and analyze laws regulating aspects relating to the DSG&LCEE.


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Jeferson Kameo & Teguh Prasetyo, Pancasila as the First and Foremeost Source of Laws: A Dignified Justice Philosophy, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2021.

Kompas, 4 Juni 2021



How to Cite

Jeferson Kameo. (2021). WELCOME TO THE INSTITUTION OF DIGNIFIED SIMULTANEOUS GENERAL AND LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVES ELECTION. Jurnal Etika Dan Pemilu, 7(1), 10–24. Retrieved from https://journal.dkpp.go.id/index.php/jep/article/view/15